Become a Consultant
You can easily become a consultant today by clicking on the "Join My Team Button" at the bottom of the page. This will link you to the New Enrollment Page where you will include your personal basic information and choose which Starter Kit you would like. You will then become an official Paparazzi Independent Consultant and will be provided with your own Independent Consultant ID #.
Although components of these starter kits are available at all times, ONLY NEW CONSULTANTS ARE ALLOWED TO PURCHASE A STARTER KIT . It will provide you with all you need to host your very first party and begin your road to success. I purchased the Small Home Party Kit and was so excited to see what was in the package. Paparazzi heavily tracks sales and fashion trends in order to offer these Starter Kits with the best selling items in a variety of colors and styles that follow the latest trend results. Ultimately the more inventory you as a Consultant can carry, the more you can sell. Having less than 100 pieces makes it difficult to have a big enough selection to appeal to a wider variety of people and personalities.
When I received my first Starter Kit I was getting ready to head out of town to see family so I packed it in my car with all the luggage and decided to see what my family thought of this new little venture of mine. Well I sold 25 pieces in a blink of the eye. What a fun experience to see my sister, sister inlaws, and mom get all excited as we pulled out each felt like Christmas. Have I mentioned I love getting packages in the mail? Well, this was a perfect solution for me to receive such a variety of bright, fashionable accessories at such a heavily discounted rate. Now it's your turn to experience the MAGIC!
Becoming a Paparazzi Independent Consultant is straightforward and simple:
- Buy your inventory up front.
- Sell your inventory for Just $5 a piece and Earn immediate cash with a 45% commission
- Sell what you will sell!
- Sell where and when you want
- Earn additional compensation when others "Join Your Team"
- Have parties to fund a vacation, pay the bills, or for kids sports, piano, and dance lessons
- Have fun selling the latest, fashionable products that ALL Women Love!
It works because it’s fun, fun, fun and affordable for both you and your potential customers. Paparazzi has a look for everyone, and at $5 a piece, who can resist?